Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Some Thoughts on Hared Vs Dati Leumi "One Way Street"

Rav Slifkin has an interesting post on how the Dati Leumi (which he insists on calling Modern Orthadox) public shows respect to the Haredi world, but that respect is not replicated:

- Modern Orthodox/ Dati Leumi synagogues support Charedi charities, but Chareidi synagogues do not support Modern Orthodox/ Dati Leumi charities.

- Modern Orthodox/ Dati Leumi synagogues often have Chareidi rabbis, but Charedi synagogues never have Modern Orthodox/ Dati Leumi rabbis.

- Modern Orthodox/ Dati Leumi synagogues and organizations often have Chareidi rabbis as guest speakers, but Charedi synagogues and organizations never have Modern Orthodox/ Dati Leumi rabbis as guest speakers.

- Modern Orthodox/ Dati Leumi schools often have Charedi rebbeim, but Chareidi schools never have Modern Orthodox/ Dati Leumi Rebbeim.

- Modern Orthodox/ Dati Leumi Jews often fund Chareidi publications, but Chareidi Jews never fund Modern Orthodox/ Dati Leumi publications.

I'm not going to defend the Haredi world, but there is an important difference. The Haredi culture is proudly closed. Being a closed society, they have no interest in meeting the other, or presenting him as an alternative. As such some of Rav Slifkin's observations are understandable.

Of course, being a closed society, does not mean you can't be civil.