Monday, April 30, 2012

Yad Vashem Employee Attacks Israel

In an article about the International Criminal Court, A Yad Vashem Historian had this example of why the ICC was ineffective:

"It is essentially ineffective because the major powers are not members," said Yehuda Bauer, a historian and academic adviser to Yad Vashem, Israel's memorial to the Holocaust, in Jerusalem. "The whole issue of international law is problematic," he said. "The moment a country decides its interests are contrary to international law, they just ignore it."
He gave as an example Israel's policy of building settlements on occupied Arab land, which is "in so many words contrary to international law."

Read more here:

Really? you are a historian at Yad Vashem, and your one example of why international law isn't effective is the settlements? Syria, Kony, Cambodia, Sudan...

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